10% OFF
Moving + Storage
Sign up today for 10% off storage for George Mason University students for a limited time!
How it Works
Your 5 Boxes + Tape

Your Pick-up Date
Deliver Back to You

You Covered

Register for only ${{ pricing.registration_fee.discounted_amount | floor }}.{{ pricing.registration_fee.discounted_amount | cents }}
Receive a supply kit &
Only pay for what you store or ship
**Our Supply Kit comes with 5 Boxes + Packing Tape **Supply Kit = 5 Boxes + Packing Tape
Per Item pricing with a {{ pricing.term.monthly_divisor }} month minimum term.
Includes pickup & delivery on featured dates.
{{ pricing.term.monthly_divisor | number : 0 }} months
{{ * 100 | number : 0 | percent }} off
{{ pricing.term.monthly_divisor | number : 0 }} month min
{{ pricing.monthly.max_discount_percent | number : 0 | percent }} off
{{ tier.label }}
{{ tier.label }} items
See Items
Hide Items
$ {{ pricing.term.storage_fees[sku].amount / pricing.term.monthly_divisor | floor }}{{ pricing.term.storage_fees[sku].amount / pricing.term.monthly_divisor | cents }} $ {{ pricing.term.storage_fees[sku].discounted_amount / pricing.term.monthly_divisor | floor }}{{ pricing.term.storage_fees[sku].discounted_amount / pricing.term.monthly_divisor | cents }}
$ {{ pricing.monthly.storage_fees[sku+'-MONTHLY'].amount | floor }}{{ pricing.monthly.storage_fees[sku+'-MONTHLY'].amount | cents }} $ {{ pricing.monthly.storage_fees[sku+'-MONTHLY'].discounted_amount | floor }}{{ pricing.monthly.storage_fees[sku+'-MONTHLY'].discounted_amount | cents }}
Per Item Monthly
Plus Tax
- {{ }} The DRM Box
Additional Services
- Ship out request from storage
- Warehouse pickup request from storage
- Return to storage if warehouse pickup or delivery is cancelled and not rescheduled to a new date within 3 business days.
- Cancellations for pickups or deliveries on dates other than our free featured dates will be refunded in full if cancelled in advance of 2 business days for pickups and 3 business days for deliveries.
- Pickup/delivery fees greater than $100 will be granted a partial refund of any amount in excess of $100 if cancelled/rescheduled 1 business day before a pickup or 1-2 business days before a delivery. (i.e if a fee is $199 and cancelled the day before, $99 will be refunded)
- Cancellation or rescheduling on the day of the move will incur a ${{ pricing.skus[ 'LAST-MINUTE-BOOKING' ].amount | number : 0 }} cancellation fee and will not be refunded for any fees for special date booking.
If you need us to discard your items we can handle that for you - ${{ pricing.skus[ 'DISCARD-ITEMS' ].amount | number : 0 }}/item.
If your fridge is frosted and full we will need to empty and defrost it for you to ensure it doesn't get moldy in storage - ${{ pricing.skus[ 'FRIDGE-DEFROST' ].amount | number : 0 }}
Moving is hard, but that's what we're here for.
Here's how we've helped 100,000+ students!
"I live across the country and didn't have to lift any heavy boxes or worry about where I'd story my stuff when I went back home for the summer"
"The process has been seamless with the delivery of supplies in advance and deliverying the items back from storage when school resumes"
"They make it incredibly convenient because you only pay per item rather than renting an entire storage unit"
Frequently Asked Questions
For George Mason University
students, we offer:
Dorm Room Movers is not sponsored by George Mason University
{{ school.address }} |
{{ }}
| aka: {{ school.aliases | join : '|' }}